Saltwood Church of England Primary School

SaltwoodChurch of England Primary SchoolLove, Creativity and Strength

Our Federation Governing Body

The governing body is responsible for making sure each of our schools improve every year. It sets the direction and makes sure the schools are meeting their targets, whilst allowing the headteacher and teaching professionals to manage the school on a day-to-day basis.

Liz Chapman – Chair – Local Authority Governor

Leigh Cavanagh – Vice Chair Co-opted 

Paul Newton – Executive Head teacher

Emily Clements – Foundation

Professor Berkeley Hill – Foundation

Reverend Barry Knott – Foundation (ex-officio)

Reverend Lorraine Lawrence – Foundation

Kirsteen Denver-Fedder – Parent Governor

Freddie Wells – Staff Governor

Adrian Phipps - Parent Governor

Samantha Slee – Foundation

Joyce Rhodes – Co-opted Governor


Vacancy – Clerk to the Governors

Click here for a full list of Governor roles, responsibilities and attendance

Minutes of Full Governing Body Meetings



Financial Declarations

There are no members of staff who earn more than £100,000