Class R 2022-23
Click here to see what Class R got up to in 2021-22!
Courageous Advocacy
We finally have enough bread wrappers for our first shipment. Today we checked and sorted them. I will post them off and next term we will continue collecting as well as topping up our total for the orangutans with some fundraising.
Autumn is Here!
In our Topic work we have been thinking about autumn and we had a beautiful nature table in class. We decided that we would recycle the things from our nature table to make a hedgehog hotel! We learned that hedgehogs (and other animals) hibernate for the winter and we really hope that one of them chooses to stay in our hotel!
Diwali and Christmas!
We began Term 2 by looking at Diwali. The children enjoyed making Diwa lamps, lanterns and rangoli patterns using colored rice. We learned that Diwali is celebrated throughout the world as the festival of light. Our role play area was a restaurant serving traditional foods, with traditional decorations and we read and reenacted the story of Rama and Sita.
We are already beginning to think about Christmas! We wrote our Christmas lists and posted them off to Father Christmas at the village post box! Not only are we hoping for a response in the mail, but also a very special video message from the man himsELF!
Keeping Healthy!
As part of the EYFS curriculum we learn how important it is to keep our body healthy. This term we have covered screen time, sleep, exercise, diet and how to keep or teeth healthy. We have had a Doctors' Surgery in our role play area and our final topic for this term was how to keep our eyes healthy. Our role play area became an opticians' and we were absolutely delighted to welcome Sam the optometrist to our classroom. Sam taught us all about how to keep our eyes healthy. He showed us many of the tests that are performed by optometrists and we loved having a go at some of them! A huge thank you from us all, we always love having visitors in Class R and we are looking forward to many more when we cover People Who Help us later this year.
Chinese New Year
We have been enjoying celebrating The Year of the Rabbit in Class R! We opened a pop up restaurant in our outside area and the children made red and yellow lanterns to decorate our indoor role play area as both colours are considered lucky. We used these colours to make pictures in ICT too and to make colourful streamers for a special Chinese New year dance! We made drums from paper plates depicting both rabbits and the animal of our birth year and we also made fortune cookies from cupcake cases!
People Who Help Us
In Class R this term we have been studying 'People Who Help Us' and we were very lucky to have a visit from 2 of the emergency services this week! Peter and Chelsea taught us all about how they help the community through their roles as a Police Officer and a Nurse. They also answered lots of our questions and even let us try out some of their equipment!
In the coming weeks we will also look at how the emergency services today differ from the past and we are really excited about our trip to Canterbury Fire Station and the Westgate Towers in a few weeks time!
Visit to Canterbury Fire Station and Westgate Towers
What a whirlwind day we had! The children's behaviour was superb and despite the weather we had a wonderful day.
The firefighters taught us what to do in an emergency and they showed us lots of equipment and the engines...
We had lunch at the Beany and it is a lovely place to visit over Easter as they have a really nice Peter Rabbit exhibition at the moment as well as the usual exhibits and the library.
We ended our trip with a tour of the cells at the Westgate Towers. We saw a prisoner called James and lots of police equipment from the past.
A huge thank you to the amazing Mummies who came with us and to the children for being such stars!
Courageous Advocacy Update - July 23
We raised £163.46 from our afternoon of sponsored silliness where we told jokes, pulled funny faces and did lots of dancing! We will add this to our total from the recycling and this will be more than enough to adopt an orangutan as well as give some extra money to the charity. Well done Class R - Mission achieved!