Saltwood Church of England Primary School

SaltwoodChurch of England Primary SchoolLove, Creativity and Strength

Class 4 2023-24

Click here to see what Class 4 got up to in 2022-23!


In Class 4, we have started the year thinking about some of the things that really perplex us. Here are a few of our thoughts. We wonder what you think about our wonderings? 


‘I wonder why flowers are different colours and shapes’ 

‘If a person is born deaf, I wonder what language they think in’ 

‘I wonder if we all see colours in the same way’ 

‘I wonder how the Earth floats in space’ 

‘I wonder if space ever ends’ 

‘If Earth is spinning, I wonder why we cannot feel it.’ 

‘I wonder about who made colours’ 



Roman Day

History came to life this week, as Class 4 immersed themselves in all things Roman in our trip to Kent Life. We found out about the Celts, their lifestyles, religion and what they thought about the Romans. We met Boudicca, who told us about her problems with the Romans and prepared us for Celtic battle.  We became Roman soldiers, listening to instructions from a 'real' Centurion, who taught us how to fight with swords, hold our shields and create different battle formations. We found out about how food changed when the Romans occupied Britain, we learnt about different Roman technologies and made amulets to keep our loved one safe. A very fun day, learning more deeply about our current history topic. 

Roman Museum

Over the course of the term, Class 4 have been working hard to create our very own ‘Roman Museum’. Each child chose an area of Roman life to research and were challenged to create an interesting way to present their findings and/or create an artefact for our museum. Children chose a range of topics, from Roman art and pottery, to army and weapons, to food and games.  

Today was the day we invited friends and family to our museum. When the adults came in, pupils had to talk about their projects, explaining the research undertaken, how they created the artefacts and answered questions. Every child was an expert in their field, talking with confidence and knowledge about their area of research and their artefacts.  Every visitor to the museum was impressed by the projects and the creativity shown.


Care Home Visits

Class 4 were invited to Saltwood Care Home to sing carols. We thoroughly enjoyed singing to the residents, who joined in with some of the more traditional carols and played bells and shakers along with the more modern songs. It was a very special occasion that ended in spending time chatting with the residents and giving cards we had made.  



Year 4 have an Inclusive Fun Day

We have recently had the opportunity to participate in an Inclusive sports festival which was organised by the Shepway Sports Trust. In the festival the children were able to participate in different sports that they may not have been able to participate in before, these include: boccia, pickleball, sitting volleyball, kingball, wheelchair basketball, wheelchair races and table cricket.
The children were all very excited to take part in these events and really enjoyed themselves. It was a excellent day and the children represented Saltwood brilliantly