Saltwood Church of England Primary School

SaltwoodChurch of England Primary SchoolLove, Creativity and Strength

Class 1 Outdoor Learning

January 2025

"The children have been using natural resources to represent numbers between 10 and 20."

Week 1

Today, it was very frosty so we couldn't wait to go outside and marvel at how the frost touches nature. We then had fun investigating what melts ice and how we can stop it melting while another group searched for sightings of wild life in our new area.  We found tracks and some digging that might be a badger or a fox. 


Week 2

This week, we have been finding out all about birds.  Working in groups, we went bird spotting, identified what berries, seeds and trees are around to feed and protect birds during winter, pretended to be birds, crafting nests from natural materials and then made our own bird feeder to take home.  We hung up some by our school pond too.  We didn't like the smell of the lard but we were amazed by how quickly the birds came to feast.

Week 3

This week, we went to Brockhill Country Park.  We split up into groups and used GPS trackers to help find Geocaches.  We then warmed up toasting scrummy marshmallows on the fire.


Week 4

This week, the children made story sticks using a life skill of tying and making knots.  They then used their sticks to help create stories.  While some children were working on their tying, others made habitats for their pet stones.  Interestingly for some children, being in a place safe from predators was most important while for others having comforts such as a TV or a sofa was.  A few children then went to look around the grounds for signs of badgers or foxes, while others used our spotters to begin learning how to identify clouds. Some boys made a "secret" tunnel through some hedges and trees at the back of the field, pretending to be Explorers similar to those we have been learning about in class. 

Week 5

This week, we have been learning about our five senses so we went on a scavenger hunt to find three examples of us using each sense.  Can you guess which picture shows us using which sense?