Class 1
Look what Class 1 got up to last year!
Outdoor Learning
Class 1 regularly use our outdoor environment to help them learn and explore. Click on our Outdoor Learning logo to see what they've been up to in 2025!
Keep Counting!
In Year 1, we have been learning to count backwards from ten. We made our own number rockets and launched them in the playground counting back from 10 to 0.
Class 1's Courageous Advocacy Project
This year, Class 1 are thinking about how they can reduce plastic in the ocean to protect sealife. This is linked into the Bible story of the Creation, Genesis 1, 26 - 31.
We started off making a display linked to the story "The Odd Fish" and explored some of the ways plastic ends up in the ocean. The children then went on a plastic hunt around their homes to see how much they use and what they are able to recycle. They shared this with the class.
As part of our project, we will also:
Go on a plastic scavenger hunt around the school.
Find out about the ways we can stop plastic going into the ocean.
Find out about alternatives to plastic.
Have a blue day to raise awareness.
Have a bake sale to raise money for Marine Conservation Society.
Do a litter pick at the beach.
Sketching Cones!
We have been learning about using different pencil strokes and directions to show light, shade and texture. We are proud of our drawings of cones.
Making Maps!
In Geography, we have been finding out about what is meant by physical and human features. We went on a fieldtrip to investigate what is in our local area and then drew our own maps.
Making Smoothies
The children learnt the difference between fruit and vegetables, they sorted pictures. They were surprised to find seeds in peppers and tomatoes. Using real fruit, the children counted the seeds. Next, they looked at how they grow under, over and above the ground. The children learnt how to use a knife to cut properly and why it is important to wash your hands before cooking. The children designed their own smoothies. Then made them. We tasted our smoothies and talked about what we liked and what we’d change next time.
Downs On Your Doorstep
Class 1 spent the morning at Brockhill County Park as part of our whole school Downs On Your Doorstep project. We created some beautiful natural art. Then had yummy toasted marshmallows around the fire.
Visit to the Toy Musuem
Class 1 visited the Beany Museum in Canterbury to investigate how toys beyond living memory compare with current toys. They got the opportunity to touch and observe all sorts of artefacts and even made their own Victorian marbles to take home.
Spring Term Learning!
Class 1 have had a busy start back to the term! We have been using natural resources to help us learn that twenty is made up of two tens or twenty ones. We also made our own binoculars and imagined we were going on a journey to the Arctic like Matthew Henson.